We are on Christmas holidays.
From December 23, 2024, to January 3, 2025, no shipments will take place.
Starting from January 6, 2025, the placed orders will be shipped.

Thank you for your loyalty, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a great start to the new year!

Dispatch and payment terms

Dispatch terms

The dispatch is carried out by DHL.

Dispatch is carried out solely within the following zones:

Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Portugal, Germany, France, Great-Britain, Monaco, Denmark, Liechtenstein, Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland

An interesting dispatch alternative is meineinkauf.ch which offers a cheap and customs compliant way of delivering directly to Switzerland.

For further information see www.meineinkauf.ch.

Other zones may be dispatched to on demand. 

Dispatch cost are calculated on basis of your basket’s weight.

You can see the current dispatch cost in your basket at any time.

Please note:

Please check correctness and deliverability when entering your address.

We do not assume any liability for returns due to incorrectly entered addresses. Return shipping cost as well as re-dispatch cost have to be borne by the customer. 

Payment terms

You have the following possibilities for payment:

  • PayPal
  • cash in advance